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[androidJvm] class QuantifiedDeferredFormattedString(wrapped: DeferredFormattedPlurals, quantity: Int) : ParcelableDeferredFormattedString

A DeferredFormattedString implementation that wraps a DeferredFormattedPlurals along with its quantity. Designed for use cases where the quantity is determined at the declaring site while the format args are determined at the resolving site.

If the quantity is to be determined at the resolving site, stick with DeferredFormattedPlurals. If the format args are to be determined at the declaring site, see QuantifiedFormattedDeferredText.

This class implements android.os.Parcelable. It will throw at runtime if wrapped cannot be marshalled.


QuantifiedDeferredFormattedString [androidJvm] fun QuantifiedDeferredFormattedString(wrapped: DeferredFormattedPlurals, quantity: Int)


Name Summary
describeContents [androidJvm]
abstract fun describeContents(): Int

resolve [androidJvm]
open override fun resolve(context: Context, vararg formatArgs: Any): String
More info
Resolve wrapped with quantity and formatArgs using the given context.

writeToParcel [androidJvm]
abstract fun writeToParcel(p0: Parcel, p1: Int)