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fun rememberResolvedString(deferredFormattedPlurals: DeferredFormattedPlurals, quantity: Int): String
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Resolve deferredFormattedPlurals with the given quantity and using quantity as the only format arg, remembering the resulting value as long as the current LocalContext doesn't change.


fun rememberResolvedString(deferredFormattedPlurals: DeferredFormattedPlurals, quantity: Int, vararg formatArgs: Any): String
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Resolve deferredFormattedPlurals with the given quantity and formatArgs, remembering the resulting value as long as the current LocalContext doesn't change.


fun rememberResolvedString(deferredFormattedString: DeferredFormattedString, vararg formatArgs: Any): String
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Resolve deferredFormattedString with the given formatArgs, remembering the resulting value as long as the current LocalContext doesn't change.


fun rememberResolvedString(deferredText: DeferredText): String
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Resolve deferredText to a plain string, remembering the resulting value as long as the current LocalContext doesn't change.