
Legal Entity Ingestion SAGA

The Legal Entity API can be used to quickly onboard Customers into Backbase DBS by orchestrating the required REST calls on the Backbase DBS Services.

The API uses a special Ingestion Model which is an aggregate of all objects necessary to create a Legal Entity and their supporting objects:

How it works

The Legal Entity Saga orchestrates calls to Backbase DBS using information pass in the Legal Entity Ingestion Model.

Sequence Diagram

Communication to DBS is handled through the generated clients from stream-dbs-cleints


The Legal Entity Saga can be used in several ways:

For the initial ingestion of the Legal Entity, you can use the Spring Boot Task legal-entity-bootstrap-task.

Examples and usage instructions can be found in the

For processes that require an HTTP endpoint for ingestion of Legal Entities, the Legal Entity HTTP Service be deployed. The Legal Entity HTTP Service can be used to ingest Legal Entities both synchronously and asynchronously.

Examples and usage instructions can be found in the

The Legal Entity Sink can be used in Spring Cloud Data Flow and serve as a Sink to Ingest Legal Entities.

Examples and usage instructions can be found in the